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Mir_Afzal_Tuni_001 Mir Afzal, Dame alang

Miniature persane, Ecole d'Ispahan, c. 1640

British Museum, Londres

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"Sois attentive, amie, et, pendant que tu es encore à même de le faire,

allège la douleur d'un cœur aimant,

car ce royaume de grâces que tu possèdes ne dureras pas toujours ;

semblable à tant d'autres tu en seras inopinément dépouillée."


Omar Khayyâm, Les Rubaïyat (quatrain 434) 

A woman lies back against cushions, lazily watching her dog drink from her wine-bowl. Her relaxed pose and the loosened state of her clothes and hair imply permissiveness, as does the freedom allowed to the lapdog. She is almost certainly a prostitute, and the lavish ceramics, cushions and clothing suggest that she is an expensive one. Many European travellers to Iran in the seventeenth century remarked on the high-class courtesans of Isfahan, and their luxurious lifestyles (Source : The Metropolitan Museum of Art).

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